Amenities > Boat Ramps & Parking
Boat Ramp
Our two ramp boat launch is very accessible for launch and recovery down to a -2 tide. We also have an all aluminum center mooring float which makes it very stable and robust with numerous cleats for securing any size boat. There is a $7.00 launch fee which covers both launch and recovery; there is a payment kiosk at the beginning of the launch. You can also get an annual boat launch pass for $70.00 at the Port Office. Sail Boats: Please do your rigging in the upper parking lot then launch; there are no power lines between the parking lot and boat ramps.
We have a large free parking area west of Ogle Rd. that has 59 parking spaces for car/truck and trailers and 122 spaces for cars, four handicapped accessible parking places, and four motor cycle parking spaces. Ogle Road, a county thoroughfare, goes through the Port between this large parking lot and waterfront area. There are an additional 41 parking spaces and two more handicapped accessible parking places on the “water” side of Ogle Road. The access road to Over Look Park has 10 car parking spaces with three more handicapped accessible parking spaces adjacent to the Park itself.