Contact Us

The Port of Brownsville is a special purpose local government. The Port’s mission is to provide public access to, and promote safe and responsible use of the marine resources of the Puget Sound and to develop, expand, and diversify the Port of Brownsville economy and create jobs.

As a local government entity, the Port is committed to open government processes, including compliance with Washington State’s Public Records Act. Among other requirements, the Public Records Act requires public agencies to carefully read requests, seek clarification where appropriate, and search for responsive records.

The Port is committed to following the Public Records Act in response to public records requests. To request public records from the Port, please submit your request to [email protected].

Port Office Contact Details

Main Office Phone: (360) 692-5498
Email: [email protected]

Port Manager: Robyn Dally

Mailing address:
Port of Brownsville
9790 Ogle Rd NE Slip 1
Bremerton, WA 98311


Kenneth McEwan, Commissioner
[email protected]

Matthew Messing, Commissioner
[email protected]

Dan Kieta, Commissioner
[email protected]